PDI of the Year Judge Mark Buckley-Sharp 16 May 2024

Date Published 
Fri 17 May 2024

62 Images were entered for the PDI of the year for Mark to judge. He was able to assess them in advance which was appreciated. His comments were fair and precise on each image and ended up holding back 19 before the final placings were announced. The top honour went to Jeremy for his excellent 'Parasol' portrait.


1st Parasol Jeremy Fraser-Mitchell

2nd It's Tea Time without Milk Norman Marshall

3rd Art'otel Battersea David Butler

Highly Commended

Sail into the Sunset Jeremy Fraser-Mitchell

St. George's Wharf Jeremy Fraser-Mitchell

Dancing Emperor in Bluff Cove Leon Flack


Stoop to Conkers Chris Gilbert

Running Blind Chris Gilbert

Castlerigg Stone Circle Jeremy Fraser-Mitchell

Passion Flower Sue Anderson

Chris Gilbert