Considering the sheer quality of the images shown by a few of the members, it is a pity that only ten members were able to attend.
The images presented by David Butler and Terry Day were taken two weeks before at the previous members evening, already reported on. Interesting images, considering the poor light that evening, but that was the objective of the evening anyway. Most (but not all) of the images shown were straight from the camera.
Assaf (our new member) and Chris had the most successful selection from that evening. Assaf showed a picture in the woods in Bricket Wood that were several images stitched together to create a panorama. He went on to explain in some details how he used Photoshop to eliminate uninteresting details and replace it from other parts of the image. A master class that should not have been missed!
As we would expect, Chris Gilbert showed some beautiful images of the wood and bluebells. They had been very well processed, but additionally, he was able to demonstrate the artistic effect of using Topaz software. Fantastic images.
To complete the evening, Assaf showed many of his own images showing a wide range of subjects. The techniques used were explained in detail, so the rest of the evening became an unscheduled Master Class, with other talks promised!
Terry Day
Friday, 27 May 2022