In Memory

Posted by chris-gilbert on Sat 24 Apr 2021 12:42pm

In the last month, two of our long-standing members have died within just over a week of each other.

Ken Liversidge, aged 77, was a past chair-person and active committee member over many years.  He was always ready to volunteer to take on various tasks and roles, from giving talks, running training sessions, looking after our inter-club landscape competition and arranging socials ... including arranging for us to be entertained by a ukulele band, of which he was a member.  Ken was known for always being ready to greet everyone each week with a very warm and lively welcome.

Derek Dixon, aged 89, also served on the committee for a number of years. Having a quiet, gentle nature, Derek was always very supportive and encouraging of new and fellow members.  For a number of years he organised and arranged our annual exhibition at St Albans library.  On print evenings, he was always to be seen leaping up and down from his seat to individually place the prints under the lights for judging. 

Ken & Derek both regularly joined our monthly walks and were excellent, skilled photographers. While Ken’s images covered a wide range of subjects, often taken on his travels around Europe, he will possible be best remembered for his fabulous Venice Carnival images.  Derek, on the other hand, mainly focused on landscapes, mostly in mono, and often taken on his digital camera converted to take infa-red.

Both Ken and Derek, and their images, will be greatly missed by all who knew them!
